Monday, June 23, 2014

Sorry I didn't post yesterday!

So... I was exhausted yesterday and the pictures were taking too long to load so I'm just posting yesterday's today and I'll do another one later tonight (hopefully).

To be honest this week is actually pretty terrible for me. I have a project, two presentations, and a research paper all due Wednesday and I am basically dying of sleep deprivation, so I sincerely apologize for not being able to write on my blog every day. It's just been a tiring week. I've had a couple exciting days though! Yesterday, I got to go to a wine tasting at Montepulciano. The wine was amazing and I got to see where they filmed the second Twilight. Now, I'm obviously not a Twilight fan, but it was still pretty cool to see where they filmed it. No there weren't any crowds of people walking around in red. However, FUN FACT, the fountain they had in the middle of the square in the movie isn't a real thing. It was added just for the movie. Kind of a buzz kill right? Nah, it's still beautiful. 

Of course we had our wine tasting after that and I learned how to properly tell what quality a wine is. Basically I'm coming back to America a total wine snob. 
As with everywhere else the landscape is quite wonderful.
I'm never getting sick of this beautiful landscape. Later on we all decided to go get ice cream, as we were walking to get ice cream we walked right through a marathon through the city. Let me tell you how bad you feel watching people run a marathon while eating ice cream....
So naturally I took a photo of the ice cream with the marathon running in the background.
It was a pretty cool day. :) 
The next day started with my first shot of espresso! It was an early morning... Therefore it was a necessity.
We had a long train ride to Venice. I didn't even fall asleep this time. Since I only have a little over a week left in Florence I realized I need to thoroughly enjoy every site I can while I'm here. I don't want to miss anything. Venice was beautiful, but sadly very crowded. Unfortunately, it was hard to enjoy the beauty of the city with tourists crowding every attraction. We were able to take a walk on some side streets, which were nice, but Venice was not everything I expected it would be when I dreamed of going there. I rode on a gondola, which was the highlight of my day. I didn't take any photos with my phone on that so I'll have to upload them when I get home. But here are some pictures of the rest of beautiful Venezia: 

 You're actually supposed to pay to take pictures of these people so I snuck it as I was walking by... Thank god they were turned away.
 This is St. Mark's Cathedral, I believe this is the second or third largest church in the world. (The Duomo is right behind it :D)
That's all I have to talk about. :) Now I'm running to the library to finish up my research paper! 

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