Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Halfway There!

Today marks the halfway point through my program. Although there were some rough patches I can honestly say that I will be legitimately upset when I have to leave this beautiful country. I am already planning a trip back because I am already missing it. This country is beautiful and I don't think I will ever live in an apartment again that has a perfect view of a historic monument (the Duomo). I will always miss hearing the beautiful bells ringing down my street during the day, I'll miss my Italian espresso, I'll miss walking next to horse drawn carriages on my way to class, and most of all I'll miss the gelato (of course). BUT... It's not over yet. :) I am going to soak up these last days I'm here. 

Anyways... I got to see how pasta is made today! So I guess that's exciting! It's a pretty interesting process! 
They used all old age equipment so it was really cool to watch. FUA (Florence University of the Arts) paid for us to have a pastry and coffee after the visit (free coffee was probably the highlight of my day). 
I finished the pastry before I got to the picture taking... Whoops. We were in Chianti for all of this, which was absolutely beautiful! Yes, that is where Chianti wine is made, and yes I tried Chianti wine IN Chianti, and YES it was AMAZING. 
We finished off the day by getting all-you-can-eat apertivos later that night. Which was also pretty amazing. Of course, because how could all-you-can-eat NOT be amazing?
Anyways that's pretty much all I did tonight, I desperately need sleep now so... Arrivederci!

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