Friday, June 20, 2014


So I had a lot of coffee today. And it was great. I forgot to take a picture of the first one but it was amazing. It was a nutella mochaccino latte and I will always ask for that when I go in from now on. The second coffee I got was the best iced coffee I've had in my life. So foamy and SOOOO sweet. :) It kind of tasted like Mama D's coffee punch. 
The place we got it at had a book that all of us signed before we left: 
The rest of the day I just spent working on my paper. I spent a good amount of time in our school library. Since this is Italy, of course it was renaissance, and beautiful. 
It was a good day. Now I'm going to bed to head to the wineries at the crack of dawn! Good night everyone!

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