Thursday was a quick day. I had tons of studying to do so I didn't actually get to do much. I went to an event at the fashion school in FUA. It was tiny, but the apertivos were amazing and the company was even better.
I've realized I have a warm place in my heart for macaroons. They are slightly amazing.
Friday was my last day studying at Florence University of the Arts. It was surreal and it went by WAY too quickly. I started out the day by going to see one of the most incredible pieces of art in history. Michelangelo's David. It really was incredible.
I finished up my Sustainability course with my final and last cooking lab. As I was leaving my adorable teacher told the class to add her on Facebook. Of course I did as soon as I got home. She's a pretty avid facebooker. She tagged me in a bunch of pictures from my class. I was pretty impressed with her Facebook skills.
After I finished the class we had a farewell dinner, my friends and I decided to explore Florence one last time beforehand. We enjoyed a glass of wine by the Palazzo Vecchio while listening to a musician play some music next to us. It was a great way to finish off my last day with them.
The next day was a marathon. I had to be out of my apartment by 10 am (not a problem) BUT I couldn't check into my room until 2pm..... MAJOR problem. One of my friends ended up getting stuck in Florence for the night so I offered for her to stay with me. She helped me find my hotel and rode with me in the cab. I probably would've had a meltdown if she wasn't there. When we got to the hotel they let us store our stuff there until we could check in later on. Everything ended up working out and it was grand! When my parents got there I showed them around Florence. There was a lovely symphony outside that was absolutely enchanting.
On Sunday I didn't do too much. I just enjoyed a relaxing day. Trust me, it was very much needed! However, on Monday I started all of the adventures. I climbed the Tower at the Palazzo Vecchio and I was able to view the city from a great vantage point.
This is what I climbed:
It was pretty cool to see the city from that angle.
Tuesday was my last full day in Florence. I tried to get in as much as I possibly could in the 12 hour period I was in the city. I started the day with mass in the magnificent Duomo. After mass I decided to climb the bell tower of the Duomo. It was about ten times more amazing than the view from the Palazzo Vecchio.
I took a walk and said bye at the gates to the city. After that I went to see the David... Again... (It's just so majestic I just had to see it again before I left.) :)
I stopped by the Boboli Gardens as well. Although I didn't get to see to much of it I promised myself I would go back when I have a sufficient amount of time to look at everything. It's just too gorgeous to try and fit into 30 minutes.
Can you imagine this being your back yard?! Lucky Medici's... The final adventure I went on yesterday was to climb the Duomo. Let me tell you, it was an adventure. There were so many stairs! However, it was totally worth it.
I went to Ganzo one last time as I said goodbye to the city I loved. :( Today I tragically had to leave. It was a terrible feeling. :(
There is a bright side though... Now I'm in Rome. :) it is BEAUTIFUL. I went to the Colosseum today. It was amazing.
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